Why Register For a Trademark?

In today’s highly competitive landscape, this seemingly small and inexpensive action can make a big difference in seizing the advantage and mitigating risk. If you’re having doubts about whether or not to register for a trademark, the following reasons should settle the matter once and for all.

Once registered, a trademark stamps your unique brand on your products or services and prevents confusion of your products or services in the marketplace.

Registration of your trademark(s) should be at the top of your list when running a business.

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Ensures exclusivity

Wondering why you need to register for a trademark? Simply put, if you don’t register a trademark against your brand, you leave the name open and available for others to use at will. the more successful your product or service becomes, the more valuable your brand name is in your market. It’s much easier to sell to a customer under a well-established brand name – and if yours is for the taking, it’s an open goal for your competitors. After working hard to establish a reputation around your brand name, the news that it has been registered as a trademark by another business – potentially even a competitor – will never come easy. Changing your name at this late stage can only lead to disruption and delay – and nobody wants a rebrand forced on them when their business is performing well.

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Protects your brand

The success you have achieved so far should not be at stake for something as small as trademark registration. A registered trademark is a barrier that prevents other brands from imitating your valuable intellectual property. For this to be effective, you must ensure your trademark is registered in the territories it operates or intends to operate in and is protected in all of the classes of service or products it provides. Once registered, your trademark is yours alone to use and you are fully within your rights to take action against unauthorised parties attempting to ride on the back of it.

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Adds value

A well protected brand is unquestionably more attractive than a company whose brand is open to risk. As well as increasing security, a legal barrier around your brand name, logo, key products and services positively impacts its perceived value. The result? More reassurance for potential investors seeking high-potential businesses to back financially. With these benefits in mind, trademark registration should be a no-brainer. What’s more, with our service, the process is hassle-free and cost effective. To register your trademark today, search your trademark here.

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